Interview with Leah Good

by - May 18, 2017

Sorry this post is coming so late, y'all. My internet is being a pain in the neck and giving me tons of trouble. :P But here it is!
I have major exciting news today: I am doing an interview with Leah Good, the author of Counted Worthy!

Bio: courtesy of
People turn to story for entertainment, truth, and inspiration. My passion is providing all three through my own writing and by recommending the stories of others.
I’m was homeschool K-12, graduated in 2011, went on to do college from home, and completed a BSBA in Marketing in 2013. I am daughter to my two wonderful parents, sister to the best brother in the world, and friend to some amazing sisters in Christ.
My relationship with Jesus is the most important part of my life. Though many people think of Him as a crutch to get through life, I think of Him more as a jet pack. I can truly say He has given me life and life more abundant. Because of my great friendship with my Savior, I want to serve Him in every area of my life.

Counted Worthy synopsis: Heather Stone lives in fear of repeating the past, yet she continues doing the one thing that could trigger another disaster. When the police trace an illegal Bible to her house, Heather’s world begins to crumble.

Her father’s life hangs in the balance. No one with the power to help knows or cares. If she tries to save him, she could lead her friends to their deaths. If she does nothing, her father’s fate is certain. Can she evade a hostile police force and win public sympathy before it’s too late?

Thank you so much for joining me today, Leah!

1. What inspired you to write Counted Worthy?
One night at Bible study, I was having a hard time staying awake, so I started trying to find good book titles in the verses we were studying. Acts 5:41 was one of the verses. I jotted "Counted Worthy" on my list of imaginary titles and with the title, a story started forming in my head. The next day, I wrote a short story based on the title. My friends and critique partners all wanted me to write more after they read it. If you've read the book, you'll be able to appreciate their sentiment. The original short story turned into chapter one. The whole thing used to end one paragraph before chapter one currently cuts off!

2. Which of the characters is your favorite? Which one is the most like you? Least like you? :)
Every time someone asks me this, I tell them it's like asking a mother to pick a favorite child! To be honest, my favorite flip-flops between Bryce and Miss Lucy. Right now, I'd say Miss Lucy. She's loosely based off a 99 year old lady I spend my Fridays with, and her sweet but fiery personality always encourages me at the end of long weeks.

Of the characters of Counted Worthy, I think Ansley might be most like me. She doesn't have a ton of "screen time," and I don't know much about her, but she seems like she could be more like me than Heather is.

Least like me? I'm not sure. Bryce's dad, I hope! Or maybe "Hedgepole."

3. What's your absolute favorite book right now?
Besides the Bible? ;) It's a toss-up between Deliver, by Tricia Mingerink and Chasing the Lion, by Nancy Kimball. Deliver is the last book in a series that I've completely fallen in love with. If you liked Counted Worthy, you'd like that series too. Chasing the Lion has a bit more mature content (I'd recommend it for 16+). It's about a young man sold into slavery by his half-brother and eventually manipulated into fighting as a gladiator. I'm not sure I can choose between the two!

4. I saw on Goodreads that you're looking at writing a sequel to Counted Worthy. Any news about that? *baited breath for response*
Haha. I've been asked about the elusive sequel quite a bit! It's been started three times and scrapped just as many. Right now I'm back at the brainstorming and outlining stage, but I haven't given up on it. If you want the sequel, please be praying for me! Finding both time and the path forward with the story has been a struggle.

5. In Counted Worthy, Heather reads Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. When you published your book, you did a Kickstarter campaign that was promoted by their website, the Rebelution. What's your relationship with them like?
Believe it or not, Do Hard Things was part of the story long before Brett Harris ever knew the book existed. When I was getting close to publishing the book, I wrote to Brett asking if he'd be willing to take a look at the manuscript and consider endorsing it. He graciously agreed to look at it if he had time. To my great excitement, he ended up enjoying the story and offering to help me through the process of publishing it. It was a great experience, and I love participating in Rebeultion projects whenever I can.

6. What would your advice be to young people who want to write a book?
Learn, learn, learn and embrace your enthusiasm. Some young authors make the mistake of thinking their book is the next best-seller as soon as they type "the end." Others never let their manuscript see the light of day because they're so concerned about making it "perfect" first. The truth lies somewhere in between. Stay humble and always be hopeful. Beyond that, just write. Writing is a muscle that gets stronger the more you exercise it. It grows even faster if you can find other young writers to grow alongside of.

7. What about your advice for young people who want to make a difference for God but aren't sure where to start?
Maybe you all should share tips with me. I'm still figuring this one out! My advice would be to spend plenty of time with God. The disciples all had to spend time watching Jesus, being taught by him, and developing a relationship with Him before they were ready to be sent into the world to do His work. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." --Matthew 6:33

Thank you again, Leah! I hope you all enjoyed reading this interview!
Please: If you haven't yet read Counted Worthy, do yourself a favor and get it! It's only $2.99 on Kindle, and it's one of the best books I've read so far this year. I might get around to buying a paper copy (eventually... first I have to read the Blades of Acktar {what a coincidence! That's mentioned in this interview XD} and etc., etc., etc....)
And for good measure, here's my (spoiler-free) Goodreads review: click HERE

Have you read Counted Worthy? What's your opinion of it? I would totally recommend this one to just about anybody.

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  1. I haven't read Counted Worthy, but i want to read it SO BAD!!!!! Well, I need to look it up at our library. *Begs library to have it*
    Also, I'm feeling like I want to write a very powerful book that will change people's life, but how do I do that? I know that's a huge question, but how do you write something and try to make it very realistic, when you haven't even gone through that kind of thing. I know research is a big part of that, but researching the kind of thing I want to write about isn't exactly the safest thing to do. I want to show that redemption will never be "not enough". Do yo have any suggestions?
    Great post by the way! ;)

    1. It's so good! I hope your library has it!

      And yeah, that's a hard one. I think you're going to have to weave it in as the theme. Never actually say those words you said to me- build your story around them. Redemption and it's sufficiency is the theme? Than make a character who's desperate and in need of redemption, with nothing going for him. Then redeem him. Show him backsliding but always being returned and that the love for him is unconditional. I hope this helps some!

    2. Thanks for that! That's exactly how I need to do it. You helped me a lot, and I'm definitely going to use this in my writing. ;) Thanks again!

    3. I just read a helpful post from K.M. Weiland that could be helpful. Often there is a difference between what characters what (which is often the story goal) and what they need. She has a long series of posts about character arc that dive into some great stuff, but in essence the point is that a character believes a lie about himself or the world (example: Ebeneezer Scrooge believes the only thing of value in the world is money). The lie drives what the character wants (Ebeneezer pursues holding onto his wealth). However, what the character /needs/ is often the ultimate point, or theme, of the story. Ebeneezer eventually realizes that what he needs is to love and be loved by other humans and love is the source of true wealth.

      Anyway. I think showing a powerful character journey is what makes a book's message powerful. It's not something I've mastered yet! But, yeah. Look up K.M. Weiland's blog series. ;)

  2. This was really cool and fun to read! I need to read her book now..

    1. Yes you do. I think you'd probably really like it.

  3. This was such a great interview! It was fun to read Leah's answers to your questions ;). And I LOVE LOVE LOVE Counted Worthy, it was such a good book! I really need to get a physical copy of it at some point ...

    ~ Savannah @ Scattered Scribblings

    1. Yeah, I do too, as I said :) I loved it. So good.

    2. (oh also I just finished the second Wingfeather book and *bursts into tears* TINK. ARTHAM. ALL THE THINGS. I NEED THE NEXT BOOK.)

      ~ Savannah @ Scattered Scribblings

    3. Yes you do. XD Doesn't it get better? Artham and Tink, though... my poor heart.

  4. Great interview!

  5. Thanks for interviewing me. It was a lot of fun. You had some great questions. :)

    1. Thanks for being interviewed! I really enjoyed having you :)


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