Big Life Updates: First Half of 2024

by - June 17, 2024

 Hey guys! It's been a long few months since I've posted to the blog, but I wanted to go ahead and drop a nice juicy life update for anyone who might still be reading my blog. Real life has been huge, but I'm working on trying to reconnect here on the blog. It's been a busy, busy, busy season, so let's dive right into recapping January-June!

The flu!

Let's start with the worst one: having the flu TWICE in one year is a bit much. I haven't had it since I was like...I don't even know. I think it's been something like 7-10 years since I've had the flu, so I certainly wasn't expecting to get it 3 times in 15 months--but here we are. Get your flu shots, kids. Don't be like me and procrastinate and say "I'll get the shot next Saturday." GUESS WHAT YOU WILL HAVE NEXT SATURDAY INSTEAD. [disclaimer:notmedicaladviceandnotsponsoredthisisinfactajoke]

Photos taken minutes before disaster (also known as Faith Has the Flu and Does Not Yet Know It)

Girls' Trip to Baltimore

I've always wanted to travel over a spring break, and finally got the chance! It was a budget trip, but I had SUCH a good time seeing Inner Harbor, going to museums, visiting little coffee shops, and cooking budget frozen dinners in the hotel microwave. 

New favorite photo of myself at the Walters' Art Museum

Bonus: me hysterically laughing at Edgar Allen Poe's tombstone

Other Big Life Things

Big Life Things will be announced probably in the year end post, but...big fun life things occurred in March ;)

The Eclipse

We only got about 93% totality where I was, but it was still so fun to go see this. The craziest thing? How much light still comes from 7% of the sun. Even at peak, it was so bright compared to the pictures of the total eclipse and my memories of the 2017 total eclipse. 

(Turn around, bright eyes...*disappears in a whoosh of smoke*)

Terrible Photo of Partial Eclipse

Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Production

I was stage manager for our college's show, Sherlock Holmes and the Strange Case of Miss Faulkner, or just Sherlock, as we lovingly called it (the title is just a bit of a mouthful). It was SO fun to put this on, assemble the stage, bring it all together, attach everything...I really did have such a good time putting this show on, and we had the best cast EVER.

This photo was taken seconds before our producer started freaking out because he thought my foot was on the soundboard. Optical illusions aside: I am not actually interested in property damage.

Final College Dance

This was a surreal experience, but it was SO fun. I went with amazing friends and had a wonderful, wonderful time during the five minutes of dancing I participated in. The rest of the time we...hung out with too loud music. Oh well.
Theme was "floral garden party." I went as a Roman Emperor instead


My four years of college are OVER! I had the best senior year I could have hoped for, and graduated with highest honors and a fancy piece of paper that says I understand English. Whoohoo. 

Literally the only picture from commencement that's just me

Washington State

I have never been to Washington State or the Pacific Northwest, but we finally went and my goodness. I loved everything about it. I even got to visit Forks and make tearful videos about it (being a twilight reader is one of my main personality traits. Personally my favorite character is Bella's truck. #TeamBellaIsSingle) But the coast? The TREES? The glory? It was gorgeous. I sang so many hymns walking around the parks. God's grandeur is never more evident to me than when I'm at a national park. Also many, many, MANY plot bunnies were acquired on the trails.

Mt. St. Helens


San Juan ferry line

Mt. Rainier waterfall

Mt. Rainier dome

the Oregon beach

North Cascades (highest alpine peaks in the lower 48)


If you've followed me for a while, you will know that I've had chronic health issues for a great many years. I have a diagnosis now--endometriosis--and I had laparoscopic surgery to get rid of the lesions and help my body recover. It'll never be perfect--this is a chronic condition and can be alleviated but not fully removed--but God's been so good in letting me have relief in this way.

Surgery recovery was not the worst I've ever had (that honor goes to wisdom teeth), but still not fun. But now I'm doing SO WELL comparatively!

Anyway, that's been my past six months, in case anyone's been wondering what I've been up to! Let me know the most exciting thing that's happened to YOU so far this year <3 

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  1. Oh my GOSH! So much good stuff in one post!!

    First of all, CONGRATS on graduation!!!

    And second, I was SO excited to see you got to go to the PNW! And got to go to some of my favourite places!! :D (Mt. St. Helens, and Seattle, and the ferry system! I LOVE the ferries SO FREAKING MUCH. Also, Mt. Rainier...I went on the BEST backpacking trip there last year.) Isn't it all SO beautiful? I'm really glad you liked it. :)
    (Sorry, too much capitalization...but I'm excited! XD)

    Lastly, I hope your surgery recovery is still going well!

  2. Thank you for the update! This was lovely hearing about what all has been going on. I'm so sorry about the multiple bouts of the flu though. Oof. That is ROUGH. And having to have surgery, but praise God it helped improve things! <3

    That is wonderful you've had so many exciting trips and experiences. The pictures of the sights you got to see are just awe-inspiring. I can see why you got plot bunnies!

    ALL the congrats on graduating!!! I know God has so many wonderful things in store for you, and I cannot wait to see it all unfold. <3

  3. My word, your 2024 has been *packed* with cool stuff! CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!!!! <3

    That photo of you at the Art Museum reminds me of Knives Out in the best possible way. XD (And that photo of you by Poe's grave . . . I'm crying of laughter XD)

    *goes starry-eyed looking at your photos of Washington* That trip looks like so much fun—so glad you got to go!

    I can't wait to see what's in store for you in the second half of 2024! <3

  4. Wow, congratz on graduating!!! That's such an exciting feeling 😄

    And your trip to Washington looks so beautiful. 100% jealous that you went to Forks, and agreed, Bella's truck is underrated, lol. I was always very much Team Jacob, hehe, but I think Seth is actually one of my favorite characters. And Alice.

    Oh, glad you got a diagnosis, but surgery recovery, yikes! I hope you're able to keep fighting for better health and finding ways to manage it!

    Praying for you!

    ~ Love, Alexa


Hello, friends! Do make yourselves comfortable and stay for a while--I'd love to chat with you! I simply ask that you keep it clean. :)