GIVEAWAY for my Blogoversary!

by - March 25, 2019

So first, I said it was coming last week. Then I said last Wednesday. Well, you can all hang me for a liar because you're only just now getting this giveaway post now, but...what can I say. I've been dying of exhaustion and possibly the flu. As a result, here, have a giveaway as this week's entire post xD Real content will be returning next month and thereafter, don't worry! I have LOTS of exciting posts upcoming (or at least, they excite ME. I don't know how excited y'all will be. But I'm rambling now.)

I'm sure you're all dying to know what I'm giving away. Well, the answer is: it's a book! It's a good book! It's probably been spoiled by the picture in the Blogger feed!


A Week of Werewolves, Faeries, and Fancy Dresses by Nicki Chapelway!

The giveaway is below! It's pretty self-expanatory, so go enter! It's running til this Sunday, the 31st, and I'll announce the winner in my next blog post ^_^

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you read this one yet? If you have, talk to me about it! If you haven't, tell me what your favorite indie book is! Best of luck in the giveaway ^_^

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  1. Oh, goodness, I want to read this book SO BADLY, buuuuut, I don’t really want to give away my


  2. Ooooh, cool! I LOVE that book!

    Did someone say exciting posts from the one and the only Faith/Florid Sword??? I CAN HARDLY WAIT. :D

    Favorite indie book? That was a hard question until I remembered The Blood Race! XD (How could I forget? I'm ashamed.)

    1. It's so awesome! I'm definitely due for a reread.

      *chuckles awkwardly* I don't know if it'll be THAT great but I sure hope they're enjoyable!

      Ahh, yes, the Blood Race. Another one I need to reread, seeing as I have Worlds Beneath sitting on my shelf RIGHT NOW and need to read it for the first time. XD

  3. Me: Whee! A giveaway! I should go sign up!
    Me: Well, I want to finish Nikki's other books that I have before I get another.
    *reads post but doesn't enter giveaway*
    Me: I should go comment at least, be friendly.
    *goes over to post again*
    *glances at book cover again*
    Me: Nah, I'm entering.

    1. Bahahaha this is like my thought process on every giveaway ever xD

  4. Girl, I am freaking out that you would decide to use my book in your blogoversary giveaway.

    I love the Black Mage series by Rachel Carter. Of course, her first ones were previously published traditionally, but then she republished them as indie with the fourth book so I'm gonna count them XD

    I don't know if I've said this yet so I'll just cover my bases and say, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!

    1. Your books are amazing! <3 I love them so much and I want to shaaaare them with the world.

      I have not heard of those! I'll have to look into them.

      THANK YOU! <3

  5. Happy blogoversary!!!

    I actually haven't read that many indie books, but I'm definitely open to trying some new ones this year. #balancingoutthattbr

    1. Thank you Sarah! <3

      I need to read more myself! But if we're talking balancing the TBR...I need to read more classics and nonfiction. #Shame


    Looking forward to your posts!

    And my favorite Indie book would be.... uh... so many. Probably something by Kellyn Roth. Or the upcoming release Every Bright And Broken Thing by Brian McBride.

    1. YES! <3

      Awww, thank you!

      I need to read Kellyn's books! And Brian McBride's book is on my TBR for when it releases :D

  7. Ahh, congrats on your blogiversary!! <3
    One of my favorite indie books would be...A Question of Courage by Jesseca Wheaton. Just so much YES.

    1. Thank you!!!!

      And ooh, that one is really good!

  8. First of all, I'M SO SORRY YOU'VE HAD THE FLU. Ugh. You poor thing. I do hope you make a full recovery SOON.

    Second, A BOOKISH GIVEAWAY. And ooooh, I've been wanting to read Nicki Chapelway's books for ages. THIS IS SO EXCITING.

    Thirdly, my favorite indie book??? You're going to make me CHOOSE one? UMMMM. Probably The Beaumont and Beasley series? I DON'T KNOW. There's so many talented people out there!

    1. I think I'm pretty much over it now! Still feeling puny but mostly okay. :D Thank you <3

      Her books are SO GOOD. I love them with all my heart. <3

      And AGH BEAUMONT AND BEASLEY! I'm desperately asking for The Stroke of Eleven for my birthday because I absolutely loved the first two and I need that one YESTERDAY. <3

  9. Yay for blogging another year!

    I haven't read this book, but I've heard of some of the author's other books. Looks interesting ... favorite Indie book? From the top of my head, "The Girl Who Could See" by Kara Swanson.

    1. Thank you! :D

      The Girl Who Could See is FANTASTIC <3

  10. I haven't really read a lot of indie, because libraries are bad at carrying them, but I'd love to get more into it.

    1. I totally get that! I get most of them on my kindle when they go on sale.

  11. My favorite indie book is Antiheroes by the Phoenix Fiction Writers. (Yes, I cheated and used an anthology. ;D) And really anything by Hannah Heath. (Her story, Vengeance Hunter, was my favorite in Antiheroes.)

  12. Oi have never heard of this book; but I'm entering in the giveaway anyhow because you can never have too many books. XD Happy Blogoversary again!!!

  13. Happy blogaversary! And that book sounds pretty fun. :D

  14. Happy Blogoversary!!! Love Nicki's books!

  15. Oooooh, this looks like such a fun book!! I'd say my favorite indie read is either Paper Crowns by Mirriam Neal, or Twinepathy by C.B. Cook. GAH I can't choose!! O_o


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