
God's Got This: An Analogy

by - December 16, 2019

I can be 100% certain as I'm talking to y'all here that each of you has been in a car. Whether you've been driving the car or riding in it, you have spent at least five minutes of your life in a car. So I think you'll all get this:

Who controls the traffic lights?

No, seriously, stop and think about it. We go through intersections when the light turns green. We talk when it turns red. There's some force controlling those lights, and for the 99% of people who obey them, they keep us safe. (I'm not accounting for the 1% of people who run red lights for obvious reasons.) We just trust that those lights are going to tell us the right way to go. And they do. Two directions don't turn green at the same time (and if they do, someone sends a cop to direct traffic.) We get in a car and drive, and all we have to worry about is making sure we stay in our lane.

Now, my sister has a computer game where she is the mysterious force in charge of the lights. You have three different intersections to coordinate at any given moment, and suddenly, you realize how much work goes into this. If you hit red too late, cars are going into the intersection and accidents happen. If you hit green too late, the traffic backs up. Turn a straight light green at the wrong time and the people turning from one direction are going to get wrecked. It becomes a colossal mess, and the terror of being the one in control is way too much.

When it comes to traffic, it's easier to just trust the force in charge and do the right thing and not try to take matters into your own hands, because when you're driving, you're in a weapon and you know you could hurt someone.

Here's the question I want to raise:

Why don't we trust the force in charge when it comes to our lives?

There are hundreds of cars on the road, all of them depending on steady hands and painted stripes and the hope that no one driving is color blind or tipsy. But there are 7 million people in this world, and each of us wants to take control of our own lives.

Even though there's Someone else who could be in charge, someone who controls the flow of traffic, sending each of us where we're supposed to go.

It can be hard to trust him when the light stays red for five full minutes when it feels like you're running late. It can be hard to trust him when you get stuck behind someone going fifteen miles per hour below the speed limit. It can be especially hard to trust him when you get into a full-on collision.

But that's just the thing. He knows. He's in charge. You can't control what the traffic lights tell your car--why on earth would you think you can control the God who has plans for your life and means to see them through?

Just because something doesn't work out the way we want it to, doesn't mean that he's lost control.

Just because we're running behind, doesn't mean He doesn't know what he's doing.

Even if we get in a wreck...we can still trust him.

He knows.

He's got a plan.

Because the traffic lights don't love you and personally have the best interests of you and everyone else at heart.

God does.

Trust him.

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  1. Beautiful post, Faith. <3 <3 <3 There are no words.

  2. This was such a great analogy! I loved it! Remembering that God has a plan for my life is something I have to remind myself every day.

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad it was a helpful reminder <3

  3. I love this. <3 I had never thought about it like that before, but it is so true! <3

  4. GIRL. This was SUCH a perfect analogy, and soooo timely, I can't even tell you. I have some unknown things for the future coming up for the new year that's got me a little down and scared, and though I KNOW God's got it, it's still getting to me. So THANK YOU. SO SO SO MUCH. This is exactly what I needed today! <3

    1. Ahhhhh I entirely get that--my New Year is the same way and I'm struggling a bit so I'm glad this was a helpful reminder! <3 Love you, girl!

  5. This is lovely. <3 What a great reminder! I've really been struggling recently with accepting that God's in control. I KNOW it, of course, and I always have. But when I'm at a place in my life that's less than spectacular, I get frustrated when things don't move. I'm really trying to trust in His timing and that there are things ahead of me that will make right now more than worth it.

    And that computer game sounds really fun. xD


    1. Yes! <3 It can be hard to accept that for sure. I struggle with it all. The. Time. But it's better when we trust him, I've found.

      (It is actually xD)

  6. Love how you took an ordinary life thing and went here.

    Love, "It can be hard to trust him when the light stays red for five full minutes when it feels like you're running late."

    Ahhh so true.

    The hardest thing aboit driving in Germany has been the lights for me. Because instead of being across the street they are on the same side of me. And a little weird, which can be unsettling for driving at first ;b

    MB> keturahskorner.blogspot.com
    PB> thegirlwhodoesntexist.com

    1. I think about it in the car a looooottttt so I'm glad it was helpful to others! xD

      <3 Yessssss

      <3 <3

      Agh that would be hard for sure xD I feel like I'd struggle with that a lot.

  7. Thank you so much for this post! It really helped calm me down and focus me on a night I was getting stressed! Fantastic analogy and a great reminder. :)


  8. This was reassuring! Thanks for sharing!!


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