R.F. Gammon
- May 29, 2020
Greetings, everyone! Yes, I know what you're thinking: Faith, you already did a post for Brooke's blog tour. But here's the thing: She got the thing up in ONE DAY and there were still a couple of places that needed filling. So I hopped in and took two, because she's AMAZING and she deserves to have the BEST blog tour.
Last week I did a spotlight and review post (you can read that HERE). But this week, I have an interview!
Faith: What was the hardest thing about writing How We Rise?
Brooke: I think finding my voice was probably the most difficult thing. Finding who I was and what I had to say about whatever I'm writing about. But once you find your voice no one can take it away.
Faith: What was the BEST thing about publishing How We Rise?
Brooke: Realizing that this was, in fact, the story I was meant to write. Finding my purpose and bringing to life has been the best thing. But beyond that, I've met some amazing people in this journey that support and love me. I even met my best friend through this. Her name's R.F Gammon, don't know if you know her 😏😏😏😏
Faith: -_- okaaaaaay thank you I love you so much *sobs* <3 <3 Which character is your favorite of your own? (We all know it's Peter, but I need it from YOUR mouth).
Brooke: You know me so well. It's Peter.
Faith: Of course I know that ;) Now for some slightly random questions: Top 3 Fictional Ships?
Brooke: Oooh okay Hawk+ Icarus from The Blood Race, Tessa+ Weston from 100 Days of Sunlight, and Alina + Mal from Shadow and bone.
Faith: I SUPPORT ALL OF THESE *sobs* Top 3 ships from your own books?
Brooke: Ooh well... Some of these may or may not be canon but Raegan+Peter, Evie + Milo from my wip Broken Memories, and I'm going to have to go with... River + Audra from my wip The Storm.
Faith: *whispers* EVIE AND MILO ARE DA BOMB (and my favorite) okay so just for fun: Top 3 ships from MY books
Brooke: EASY BECAUSE YOUR BOOKS ARE FIRE 🔥 Drex and Dulci, Lissa and Tarek, and Greg and Ella 😏😏😏😏😏
Faith: love seeing exactly ZERO Pentegreens contenders on that list, and Daverby wants to point out that he's mad at being slighted, but...overall fairly solid and I support these choices xD
Brooke: Thank you so much, Faith, for having me on your blog. You're amazing and I love you. Let me take a second to tell you, Faith's readers, just how much this girl has supported me. When I decided this book was going to come out sooner and I had just three days to plan a blog tour, she simply said to give her two of the days and she'd post when I needed her to. Seriously this girl gave me the encouragement I needed to get this blog tour going. 💕💕💕😭😭😭
Okay so like....I'mma cry? I love Brooke so much, and I truly want to urge ALL of you to support her and read her book. It's just so beyond incredible, especially the characters, and I want her to succeed immensely on this blog tour and beyond. So go buy a copy of the book and check out her blog and send her some encouragement! She's going to go far, I know it. <3