by - May 24, 2019

Hello, everyone! Today, I'm doing a tag on Marvel! Don't worry, no spoilers await you in this post. At least not Endgame spoilers. Other stuff...I make no promises. But don't worry. There's not many of them.

This tag was created by the amazing Christine, and then I was tagged to do it by the amazing Madeline!

Les Questionnes

1. How were you introduced into the Marvel fandom?

I watched The Avengers because it was the only movie on the airplane that looked interesting. xD 

2. What's your favorite Marvel film?

Well...*shuffles feet and stares at the ground* There's a specific question in here for unpopular opinions, but...I'm going to do that the entire time. Age of Ultron.
You guys as I confess

I think the runners-up would be Iron Man 3, Avengers, and Ragnarok.

3. Top Favorite Marvel character?

Please refer to my "In Defense of Tony Stark" post. xD
I will never see this line the same way again...

But also: Falcon, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Okoye, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Peggy Carter, Pepper Potts, and Heimdall.

4. If you were transported into the MCU and had to change places with one of the superheroes, who would you choose?

Probably Shuri because she's smart and awesome xD

5. What are some of your favorite quotes from the films?

Tony: Guys. Can we talk about this? *shoots everyone* Okay, good talk. 
Random guy on the ground: No it wasn't! 

Tony: I'm bringing the party to you.
Widow: I don't--I don't see how that's a party.


Tony: What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.


 The entire play thing in Ragnarok, but especially "a little blue child" and "my helmet, with the big bendy horns"

Okay, but my most favorite one of all is a line that happened in Endgame (and that's the only Endgame answer you'll get from me on this tag, lol). Let's just say one of my favorite characters managed to make me a proud mama, break my heart, and make me jump up and down in about four words. <3 <3 <3 

6. Which crew would you most want to be part of: Avengers, Guardians, or Revengers?

I'd love the Avengers or the Revengers, but I have to say, I'd love to be part of Doctor Strange's Sorcerer Cadre or whatever official name it has most of all. Because Doctor Strange and wizardry.
I lurv him

7. Favorite and least favorite ship?

Favorite: A tie between Tony+Pepper and Steve+Peggy.

Now, I might not be a fan of Steve, but I have to admit, I ship him with Peggy harder than I ship most things. Peggy is one of my favorite characters in the MCU and I ADORE HER SO MUCH. And put her together with Steve and ASDFJKAGJLJFIEIAXJ. My bbys. 

And then TONY AND PEPPER. The two of them are my ultimate OTP. Pepperony for life. <3 

In terms of least favorite: CONTROVERSIAL TIME AGAIN!!!!!!!

I never cared much about Steve and Sharon, just because...ya know. There's a lot that happens in Civil War, and I like to pretend the whole movie itself never happened. Oh well. :P And I do not care about Sharon in the least, so that one is barely even a blip on my radar. xD 

I don't mind Nat and Bruce, although I'm grateful they didn't do much with that in Infinity War. 

And I never really shipped Nat and Clint, mostly because I've never been the biggest fan of Clint either (JUST SHOOT ME NOW WHY DONCHA). 

I guess my overall least favorite ships would have to be either Jane and Thor (so flat, ugh) or Wanda and Vision (I mean, I like the two of them, but also HE'S SO MUCH OLDER AND IT'S CREEEEPY.)

Please say I'm not the only one who finds this a little weird

8. Favorite and least favorite villain?

Favorite is Killmonger! He's such a deep, complex, and realistic villain and I love the way his fight with T'Challa is both timely and multi-sided. There's no clear answer, and both of them are wrong. I loved that. And also, his last words. Lemme just cry for a minute. And I think Ultron comes in as number 2 (evil sarcastic Tony offspring is a win in my book xD) 

Least favorite? I think I should've just put this whole post under Question 9, which is "Unpopular MCU opinion". ...I really don't like Loki. Or Bucky. (And yeah, I'm classifying both of them as villains. Deal with it.) I think my least favorite overall, though, would have to be the Mandarin from Iron Man 3. I loved him when he was Trevor, and I even loved Trevor himself (he was disappointing, but he was hilarious), but Killian was so beyond disappointing. 
Image result for i am the mandarin gif

9. Unpopular MCU Opinion? Everything. 

-Age of Ultron is a great movie, maybe even one of the best.

-Hawkeye is both over and underrated.

-Nat and Clint are best off as friends. 

-Clint's wife and family are literally my favorite thing in history.

-Bucky is actually the worst--he's kind of a flat character, can't stick up for himself, and reduces Steve to a one-track brain every time he shows up. Steve is way better in movies without Bucky than in movies with Bucky.

-Quicksilver is meh.

-Loki is overrated and actually a villain, not just a "misunderstood" kid. 

-Everything else I've said in this post xD

10. What's your favorite Stan Lee cameo?

All of them! He's one of my favorite parts of the movies. Rest in peace, Stan. We miss you. <3 

Image result for don't make me come down there you punk gif

Image result for stan lee cameo gif civil war

These are my top two, I think. I quote them incessantly. I probably drive my mother crazy. 

Not tagging anybody...but I know you're all going to lynch me for everything I've said here, so why don't you go ahead and do that in the comments? Are any of my unpopular opinions actually worth killing me for? Do you actually AGREE with me on any of them? What's your favorite Stan Lee cameo? Chat with me and please don't kill me! 

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  1. yeah, I do like that Clint is the one superhero who has figured out how to have a family and keep them from the world so that they are in little danger ;D Helps that he doesn't infuriate people like the other superheroes do ;p Fun post!

  2. Age of Ultron is completely underrated! I don’t understand why everyone seems to hate it so much. It’s not my favorite Marvel movie, but it’s not bad at all.

    And KILLMONGER!That’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to rooting for a villain before. (And while I like Loki . . . I DESPISE him in the Avengers. I don’t care IF he's controlled by the Tesseract, that’s not a good enough excuse.)

    Yay, glad to see you did the tag! (Those four words of *spoilers removed*, though . . . *sobbing*)

    1. Definitely! It deserves better press :(

      I LOVE KILLMONGER SO MUCH. Poor Eric. And Loki in the Avengers is the WORST. Nothing he did in that movie is okay.

      YES *bawls forever*

  3. Hmm *hides poisoned knife behind back* yeah sure, we can TOTALLY talk about this XD

    We-ell you know my views on Age of Ultron (BURN IT WITH FIRE). I feel the same way about it as I do as The Force Awakens. The movie that ruined everything and now I will probably never watch it again and if i did, I would spend the rest of my life ranting about it.

    I've got nothing against Wanda and Vision personally cause it's in the comics and everything, but I endlessly make fun of the line, "I only feel you." *cue batman laughing his head off*

    HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT THOR AND JANE ARE A DRY COUPLE??? I love them so much and I hate that they just dropped that relationship because if you watch in the first two Thors and even in Avengers with how concerned he was for her safety... they really loved each other. *drowns in river of tears* And that's not even why I hate Ragnarok, I hate how it just killed off so many of the beloved Thor characters just like that and it didn't even care. Also it basically ruined the mythological feel of the movies (which was part of the reason why I loved them so much) when it took them to space. The only thing it had going for it was that it was funny, I will give it that, but the humor wasn't even its own. It was really just a Guardians of the Galaxy ripoff, seriously watch Guardians they are one million times better. And I feel like this is one of my unpopular opinions because everyone seems to loved Ragnarok XD XD XD

    And bashing on Clintasha too? Dang, can't you leave even one of my ships in peace? I will give you that it doesn't really work in the movies, but I went into the movies after having watched a TV show that convinced me that Clintasha was perfect and no Russo brothers or Joss Whedon are gonna change my mind on that. And I don't blame you for thinking Clint's family is cute and that he is a bland character. Because that is how the movies showed it, except... that isn't Clint. He's probably the least family man of all of the Avengers, but I digress. For a long time, Clint- not the movies Clint, the real Clint- was my favorite super hero. So I very much am quite angry about what they did to his character because I was invested.

    But there are things we agree with. Tony Stark is the best. I hate Bucky (though I don't mind Loki even if he isn't my favorite character. I view him as a very dark antihero who could easily pick the villain's side and then decide it isn't worth his time and betray the dude and make it seem like he did it because there is good in him. As a trickster god I think he does a very good job). I don't like Shannon Carter and her pairing up with Cap was bad, though I also don't really ship Cap and Peggy. Not because I don't like Peggy, actually it is just the opposite. It's just I think Sousa is better for her. It's Cap left out of this one, sorry.

    Okay, but since you were all open and stuff let me share my deep dark extremely unpopular opinions of Marvel. I didn't actually care that much for the Black Panther movie. It was okay, but I didn't love it. And everyone is obsessing about it and I'm just over here going meh (but I will obsess over T'Challa till the end of time). I don't like Shuri. She's actually really annoying. I don't really like Tom Holland as Spiderman, I much prefer Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire instead. And also I love Peter Quill endlessly and will fight anyone who says that Infinity War is his fault.

    And since it is no secret but still unpopular, I hate Captain Marvel.

    Oh well, look at that I made it through without killing you. See, I am capable of a civil conversation about controversial things XD


      Okay, whatever *whistles innocently* I understand that you don't like it...but please don't burn it with fire, I like it a lot

      "I oNlY fEeL yOu" yes I'll make fun of that forever xD

      I'm sorry! I just don't love Jane as a character :( She never clicked with me. I'm sorry! And yes, yes, I know, I know, I will watch Guardians at some point. We'll have to see when that happens though since my mom hates them as you know xD

      I ship nothing. I'm sorry. :P

      Tonnyyyyyyyy! Yes, everything you said in that paragraph is correct. Well done. *high fives*

      All your dark opinions are fine, whatever xD Except for disliking Shuri. Shuri is a queen and I will love her forever. <33333

      YES THANK YOU <3

      Oh, good. Good to know. *stores that knowledge away for the future*

  4. It's funny, whenever I see Unpopular Opinion posts, I get super excited because it's like "Yes! Freedom of speech, individuality!!! I will fight anyone who shuts down your opinions." XD

    THAT BEING SAID: I love Bucky with all my heart, but that doesn't mean everyone has to.

    1. YES! XD I feel the same way--I LOVE unpopular opinion posts.

      Well, the good news is that since I don't LOVE Bucky, you're welcome to him ;)

  5. I LOVED AGE OF ULTRON. And YES. Being part of the sorcerers would be AMAZING. <333
    (I'm going to fight you about Loki, Bucky, and Clint though. XP But that's okay. I agreed with a ton of the other stuff you said. ;-D)

    1. AGREED XD
      (Okay, sorry, sorry :((


  6. *takes deep breath & looks down at the shirt i'm wearing (bucky barnes protection squad)* hm, well, ok, Bucky is the absolute best, but i respect your opinion. ;) personally, i feel like his friendship with Steve is adorable and the best and that he's such an amazing, tragic character *stops before this comment becomes a defense of Bucky* seriously tho, i have that shirt, xD.

    also...i disagree about Killmonger. he's actually my least favorite villain, as i didn't like certain aspects of his character (i.e., scarring himself for every life he takes) and how people view him as misunderstood, etc. idk. Black Panther wasn't my favorite Marvel movie by far, but i adore T'Challa & Shuri tho. <3

    i completely agree about Age of Ultron! it's not my favorite Marvel film, but i did really enjoy it. and i would love to join Dr. Strange's Wizardry Group or whatever it's called, xD. and i totally agree about Thor & Jane, i never liked them together. but Clintasha all the way ;)

    k and i know that line you're thinking of....and it breaks my heart just remembering that scene. *sobs*

    1. Honestly that shirt sounds awesome xD And it's totally okay that you like Bucky! I just really, really do not xD But your opinion is totally valid and I won't try to take it from you! And hey, as I told Evangeline, that means you don't have to share him with me ;)

      I don't love Killmonger in terms of his character and I definitely don't think he's misunderstood--he's a very messed up and bad guy, but he's so INTERESTING and complex as characters go, and I love the way he added some very subtle social commentary to the movie without bashing people over the head with it. xD So...yeah. T'Challa and Shuri are my absolute favorites.

      Yes! I love everything about Age of Ultron except the ships xD And I really really want to be a wizard *cries*

      *joins you in sobbing* *offers tissues*

  7. I love that you are such a huge Tony fan. Also that you are willing to state your opinions.
    Everyone likes different characters, so I completely understand why you dislike some of the more popular ones.
    I don't understand why people didn't like Age of Ultron, it was awesome.

    1. ;) Yep xD Tony is mah boi.

      Yep...I'll never like some of the popular characters. Sowwy ;P

      I know!

  8. Cap is perfection and you really need to stop sassing him. He deserves everything good in the world. Except Peggy, because she gets Sousa and I'm Romagers all the way.

  9. This tag is SO FREAKIN' COOL! I LOVE Age Of Ultron, as well. Tony Stark may just be my favorite character. Him or Black Widow because Black Widow is an awesome fighter.

    1. Black Widow is awesome! I love her <3 And Tony is so awesome too.

  10. Great post, Faith!! I loved hearing all your unpopular thoughts. :D I like the Marvel movies, but I'm not a big enough fan to have a bunch of specific, passionate opinions about it, if that makes any sense? *taps chin* Except Spiderman, come to think of it. I'm OBSESSED with the Tom Hiddleston Spiderman. OBSESSED. And I'm pretty sure Homecoming is my absolute favorite Marvel movie! So there's that, lol.

    And obviously, Infinity War destroyed me. And obviously, I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT to watch Endgame. So yeah.

    I'm done rambling pointlessly now. Shuri is awesome. This post is awesome. That is all.

    1. Thank you!!! <3 Tom Holland's Spiderman is pretty fantastic, and Homecoming was awesome too <3 I think Far From Home will be pretty cool too!

      OF COURSE <3 I hope you love it when you finally get to see it!!!!!!

      <333333 Thank you!!!!

  11. YOU DID THE TAG! YASSSS. This was great! I love how you have so many different Marvel opinions. It's great! But hey, not all of these are controversial. Like I 100% agree Shuri is the BEST and I think 97% of the world would agree as well. I LOVE HER SO MUCH.

    Steve+Peggy and Pepperony is EVERYTHIIIING. And EVERYONE hates Steve+Sharon. That's not controversial at all. XD I think LIKING that ship is controversial. Lol. Now I DID used to ship Clintasha, but I have come to absolutely love Clint having a family and Nat just being everyone's friend. It took me a few years to get to this point, but now I'm totally on board! Annnd I am SO glad to see someone else say Vision is too old for Wanda! Everyone seems to LOVE that ship kinda creeps me out. I mean, I sorta like it. They're sweet and all. But but but HE'S SO OLD. It's creepy! So yes, I agree with you there too.

    Also I LOVE Age of Ultron! I just do not get the hate it receives. IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE, PEOPLE.

    I love that all your favorite quotes are from Tony. But I mean OF COURSE. ;D He has the BEST quotes of ever. Everything that comes out of that man's mouth is gold.

    I totally agree that Loki is a villain. I mean, I LOOOOVE him personally. But...he's still a villain. All these excuses that he's not are ridiculous. BUT. I do not agree that Bucky is a villain. Loki, even if he WAS somewhat controlled my Thanos later, still made his choices. He had villain-y intentions from the start, and even when he WASN'T under Thanos' influence. Bucky did NOT. Bucky was completely and totally mind-controlled. Everything bad he did was HYDRA, not him. He would NEVER choose to go down that dark path like Loki did. To the point that when he fiiinally got his mind back, he chose to go under again in fear of hurting people. He was that caring! Bucky was an American soldier. He chose to defend people. He fought against the very people who mind-controlled him. He was not born a HYDRA assassin in any form or fashion. So that's why, in my opinion, it's impossible to classify Bucky as a "villain". HYDRA was the villain, not him. BUT. I'd loooove to hear why you think he's a villain! Because like everyone I know adores Bucky like me, so I've never really heard any arguments as to why he COULD be classified as a villain. Lol. I'd definitely love to know the other side of the discussion! So have at it! :D I'm not going to unfriend you just 'cause you don't like my favorite Marvel character. XD

    But yep! That's about the only thing I disagree with you on. Oh, I also adore Clint, but you're definitely not required to! Lol.

    I love ALL your Marvel thoughts and had soooo much fun reading this. So glad you did the tag! :D


      YAY YOU AGREE ON VISION AND WANDA XD I don't find many people do? So yaaaaay I'm glad to hear that <3 And yeah the ships are fairly straightforward for the most part I think

      It was the best movie!!!!!!

      ...that wasn't even intentional. But yeah when it comes to Marvel quotes I can do this all day xD

      Mostly, I don't like Bucky because I feel like his behavior gets overly excused? Like it's not just a "Bucky is innocent", it's a "Bucky is innocent SO TONY IS IN THE WRONG HERE ACTUALLY." I guess that's my biggest beef with it? I've known a lot of people in real life who are obsessed with Bucky and like to bash Tony extraneously and that kills me because I love Tony. And I mean, I get that Bucky was brainwashed? But he still did bad things and everyone just sorta gives him a get-out-of-jail-free card because brainwashing *sighs* Like, one of my favorite How It Should Have Endeds ever is the Civil War one where they don't crack a joke, nothing funny happens, but Bucky just gets a chance to apologize to Tony for killing his parents and he DOES. It's perfect. And I wish something like that could have happened. *sighs louder* Anywaaaaay...yeah. I know it makes me unpopular to not like him! But I just...can't.

      XD I have VERY mixed feelings on Clint in case you couldn't tell.

      THANK YOU!!!!! <33333

  12. Yeah, Bucky is not the best character, Steve is better off without him. Love the Stan Lee quotes! I do not like Civil War , yep pretending that never happened. To be fair I have not seen a lot of the marvel movies. Great tag, so fun to read!

    1. AGREED THANK YOU!!!!! Yeah, I don't like Civil War at alllllll xD

  13. So I am a terrible person who hasn't seen like half of the Marvel Movies since Age of I didn't understand everything posted. However, what I did get, I liked (and now want to watch the rest so I understand). Totally love Pepper and Tony as well as Steve and Peggy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here :)

    1. Oh, that's totally okay! I haven't seen every Marvel movie either, so that's fine ;) The ships are just amazing! And you're so welcome! Thank YOU for reading!

  14. I'm going to keep this short and sweet because...

    I have hugely different opinions than you. But that's okay. Because we're different people...soo *grins* I'm cool with it!

    It was really interesting seeing your opinions on the movies, because yes, I must say that your opinions are very unpopular. But guess what, you're super unique in that aspect, which is great, because I don't see many Marvel fans like you! ^^

    Okay, but seriously though, Age of Ultron is VERY underrated. People give it too much of a bad lip reading. I mean...gosh!!

    And then on your least favorite ships. Definitely not a Steve/Sharon, Wanda/Vision, Nat/Bruce person. DEFINITELY not!

    That wasn't really short...or sweet. But oh well! *lopsided grin*

    You have a good day, Faith! ^^ Enjoy your uniqueness!

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    P.S. One of my younger brothers is a HUGE fan of Age of Ultron. I'm thinking you might be unbiological siblings or something. xD

    1. *smiles awkwardly* Yeahhhhh I'm the worst at unpopular opinions :P Sorry.

      Age of Ultron is so good! I love it! XD

      Good! XD

      It's okay ;) Thanks, you too!

  15. *unfollows blog because Faith said she doesn't like Bucky or Loki*

    XDD Totally kidding, but honestly, I have to disagree with you there. ^_^

    TONY. IS. PRECIOUS. AGH. And that line. I know that line you're talking about. *heart snaps*

    Doctor Strange is just the best. Like, he's the super chill, cool dude you would totally want on your team. XD

    1. I'm sowwy I'm sowwy! xD

      YES. TONY. MY. SON. *bawls*

      Yes, I love Doctor Strange more than I can say <3

  16. I shipped Clint and Nat in the first one, but not after that bc I love his family. Clint is my favorite character of the whole thing, but after him I love Tony. *sobs bc Endgame was amazing*

    I was really confused during Age of Ultron, but I liked it and would totally rewatch it. *whispers* Maybe better than Infinity War. *ducks flying tomatoes*


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