Hey guys! I am VERY late on this linkup, but here I am anyway to say that I finished my rewrites of my novel, The King's Daughter, and I'm ready to scream hysterically about it. I am IN LOVE WITH THESE IDIOTS. tHAT IS ALL.Some stats:331 pages (down from 410)90,401 words (down from...
2025 Goals
R.F. Gammon
- January 06, 2025
Hello everyone! I do this most years--sharing all of my goals for the year to come and wrapping my old ones. But this year it'll be a little different, because I didn't make goals for 2024. I knew it would be a year of intense change and I figured that would be too...
2024 Wrapup Post: WHAT A YEAR Y'ALL WHY//I GOT MARRIED????
R.F. Gammon
- December 30, 2024
Hey, everybody! 'Tis I, back with a life and music and book wrapup of 2024! Let's leap straight into this. I am SO excited to share my stats and my life this year! Music of 2024This hasn't been a super music heavy year for me compared to a lot of others, because I've done...
Top 24 Books of 2024: A Reading Wrap Up
R.F. Gammon
- December 19, 2024
Hello, sweet friends! It is almost the end of the year (WHAT) and so I am here before you all to announce that I have read an absurd quantity of books this year. I announce this to my own shame. I did not need to do this, but I did, and here I...
Know the Novel Part 2: Sadly, I Died. But I Lived!
R.F. Gammon
- November 25, 2024
Greetings, friends! Life is too busy for much blogging, but I'm hoping to be active again over here soon. For now: here is a little follow-up on Christine Smith's blogging tag and linkup. I'm talking about my novels, Trucker and The King's Daughter. If you'd like more info on those, part one of the...
Know the Novel: Both My WIPs
R.F. Gammon
- October 15, 2024
HELLO it is that time of year again! I am not participating in FicFrenzy this year (because I have an insane amount of stuff happening in October/November) and I am not participating in NaNoWriMo this year (because MY GOSH who needs NaNo? Who LIKES NaNo? I'm literally so over NaNo. Gonna write a...