The Four-Part Writing Special / / Part 4: Writing
R.F. Gammon
- October 25, 2017
Le Questionnes
(For a similar post click here.)
1. What do you do to get yourself into the story?
Basically I sit down and start writing. I can write pretty much anywhere if I convince myself to focus, so it's a matter of just GOING FOR IT.
I also spend months and even years getting to know my characters and their stories before I've started writing. I can't write if I don't know my characters front, back, up, and down. It's a requirement for me.
2. Do you do anything extra - art, covers, character journals, glossaries, playlists, etc. to help you with your story?
I draw lots of character art. Here's some of that.
And I make playlists. Here's some of that.
Not sure why, but all of these for some reason are for the Pentegreen series. That must be because I've done the biggest amount of planning for those books. (They are my babies.) And the second one is really ridiculously emotional, so... hence all the sad weeping broken songs.
3. What is your writing process?
Barf a bunch of words onto a computer screen or a notebook and then bury it someplace where I will never have to look at it again.
Heh. Since I've never really gotten past the first draft, this is about accurate.
4. Anything you learned about yourself or your writing you'd like to share?
You want something? Fine.
I have learned that I'm definitely a plantser, but a weird variety. Like I said above, I have to really spend a lot of time getting to know my charries before I can write their story, and I usually write out the majority of their scenes in my head. Then I write the story pretty quickly, comparatively (if I really want to I can write a thousand words in twenty minutes--I don't force myself to do that much, though) and never touch it again.
I have so many issues.
5. What keeps you going when you start to worry you'll never finish?
Sleep, prayer, reading, music, my family telling me that how dare I give up, and sheer grit and refusal to stop writing.
Moving on...
6. What inspired you to start writing?
I wanted to see my book on a real shelf somewhere. I wanted people to like it and genuinely call it their favorite book. There were a lot of reasons, but I think the biggest one is that I couldn't imagine doing anything else. Then I also wanted to make sure the story didn't murder me. Because believe me, if I didn't write it, it would.
7. What author is your writing style similar to?
I'm... honestly not sure.Having read my stuff, what do y'all think? Tell me in the comments!
8. What writing goals do you set, and how do you reward yourself for reaching them?
I tend to be very productive in April, July, and November for the three NaNo events, because I have a set goal and am very driven to reach it. Most of the other months out of the year (Ouch! There's nine of them!) I tend to piddle around and accomplish very little. I work on setting goals for myself but always go overkill, and it destroys me when I can't reach the goals.
So... for 2018, we're going to set real writing goals. One of them might actually be publishing a real novel by the end of the year, if self-publishing is the path I choose. But they're going to be doable, and real, and I'm going to be proud of myself when I finish them. That's my reward. :)
9. What does a regular writing day look like for you?
Write a few words, piddle around with a blog post, surf Goodreads and Facebook, write some more words, set a timer and really buckle down to it, say "I'm going to get in a thousand words before dinner!" and then get distracted by the internet... Yeah. I need to get rid of internet, somehow. In a way that doesn't destroy my Spotify connection. Because what is writing without Spotify. (see playlists above)
10. How many ideas do you currently have saved on your computer/flash drive?
First of all: I am computer exclusive. I have everything backed up in two separate drives. If I had a flash drive, I would lose it in five seconds. I would lose my own head if it wasn't attached, as they say.
Anyway: How many ideas? Let's look:
21 Ideas! Would you look at that!
(And note: Those are just the recorded ones. I have a lot more. XD They just haven't been recorded yet.)
A depressing 2. (Plus Hurricane Ink and a couple other projects that aren't in that list. :P)
An embarrassing 7. I have a problem. A severe problem.
13. I mean, I love them all, but those ones...
If I write those and share them with the world I will die happy, I think. ^_^
So this is my writing life! As well as the sad end of the Four-Part Writing Special! Be sure to check out everyone else's posts today. We're sad to see it end, but excited to get into writing these stories that we've shared with you!!
What do you think of my writing process? My art? My gifs? My playlists? What's YOUR writing process, if you're a writer, and do you draw? Tell me all the things!!!