17 Random Facts about ME! //Blogoversary, Day 2

by - March 13, 2018

Greetings, peeps! Today is Tuesday, at least where I am, and it is blizzarding up here in Maine! There isn't much that would make me go outside in this...so to keep up with my blogoversary, we're going to do 17 Random Facts about me today! 

(I was tagged for this by Ivie. Thanks, girl! *hands you all the cookies*) 

I did not take this photo, but it's kind of how it looks outside right now...)
Okay. Seventeen things about me that you won't find boring....*taps pen against temple* Let's see...

1) I only really drink water. Tea and juice are always nice...but I do not like coffee (bye bye, author stereotypes! XD) and I drink soda about once in a blue moon. I also get dehydrated really easily and can't survive without about ten 16-oz glasses of water a day. 

2) I play the piano. And I'd like to say I'm fairly good at it...

3) Despite the fact that English is my favorite subject, I don't really love the writing part of it. I don't love formal writing; I'm much more into stuff that flexes my creative muscles when it comes to writing. So while I love the reading aspect of English class, I'm not crazy about writing papers/doing deep analysis/anything like that.

4) I'm overfond of parentheses (can you tell?) (See above about not being good at formal writing...)

5) I plan to major in strategic communications in college...potentially. There's a slight problem with that, which is that of the three schools I am considering, I would have a different major at each of them. So....yeah. 

6) I did dancing for seven years, from the time I was 6 until I was 13. I used to do ballet, tap, jazz, modern, lyrical, and a smattering of hip hop. My favorites are tap and lyrical...

7) In that vein, I tend to embarrass everyone around me when it comes to dancing in public. Grocery store floors, combined with the background music they play? Perfect for tap dancing. So my hands go on my hips and I am all over the aisle whilst everyone with me pretends they don't know me. I think my family is fairly used to it at this point, but I went with a friend one time and remember him just staring at me in horror the entire trip. 

8) Give me a song and a pair of earbuds and I will walk into a lion's den.

9) My favorite Bible verse is John 16:33-- "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble--but take heart! I have overcome the world!" 

10) When I was little, my favorite thing to do was play paper dolls. I had some of the sort that you would cut out of a book and hold the clothes up to, but I never loved those. What I liked to do was draw hundreds and hundreds of very specific people from the stories that, even then, I was coming up with--and then cut them out to the most precise of details and act out stories with them. On and on and on. I didn't need no toys when I could make my paper dolls. 

11) I've always been a hard-core music fan; my favorite band/singer growing up was Rebecca St. James. 

12) The first superhero movie I watched was 2012's The Avengers, and the first time I watched it was on an airplane on the way home from London. 

13) Oh yeah! I've been to London. Spent eight days there, and it was AMAZING. I would absolutely go again if I could. <3 I'd also share some pictures if I had any decent ones on this computer...

14) I've done door-to-door fundraising for my Students for Life group, and believe me, it is NOT FUN. 

15) I've probably written 20 "books" in my lifetime...if you count all the little short works I called books, the additional versions of others (like Pentegreens book 1...), and the novellas I've rattled off for various contests and challenges. 

16) I was one of those kids who had an entire world in my backyard and went to it frequently. I also had the insane blessing of having a bestie who knew about my world and had helped me build it, and we went out there CONSTANTLY. That was one of the greatest highlights of my childhood.

17) I'm Calvinist. (Did you really need to know that? I'm not sure. But I needed one more fact and that happened to be the first one that came to mind...)

I hope you enjoyed this post! I'm not going to tag anyone for it, but I will link back to my givaway >>>>HERE<<<<  so you can enter it if you haven't gotten the chance yet! <3 Who was your favorite band growing up? Have you ever gone door-to-door fundraising? If you have, did you enjoy it? Tell me EVERYTHING down in the comments! 

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  1. I've never been door to door fundraising, but when I was a kid, I had this guy friend (actually, I don't know if he was my friend, he was just one of those kids who was friends with everyone and showed up to events at random times with or without invite and everyone just went with it. XD) Anyway, this guy friend was going to try to sell rocks to make extra money and was going to go door to door and wanted me to help. I don't think I ever did and looking back, that wasn't such a great idea for him to be doing. I think we were between the ages of 7 to 10. Yeah, there were some cool kids in my neighborhood at that time.

    Okay, long weird story aside, my favorite band growing up, or I should say singer, was Avril Lavigne before she really went crazy. I used to love her cleaner music when she was younger and just starting out. Then my family listened to a lot of Linkin Park, so I listened to that kind of music. Now my tastes are much different from my parents. XD

    Anyway, this was a fun trip down memory lane. <3

    Thanks for doing the tag! I love learning new things about blogging frens. I find it hilarious that internet friends sometimes know the deeper stuff first, like beliefs and values and then later learn little things like fondness of parenthesis. XD

    Sorry for this monster comment. Happy Blogoversary day 2! <3

    ~Ivie| Ivie Writes

    1. Those people...XD My friends and I got up to some similar schemes when we were kids too. Except we went door to door selling our original artwork (a couple people actually BOUGHT it, too.... O_O) and my little sister's toy cars.... XD

      That's awesome! My taste is very different from my parents' too....my mom likes more 80s, 90s type stuff and my dad is kind of all over the board. I'm into Fleurie and Fall Out Boy at this point. Whoops.......

      Yes! Those are always great <3

      I know! That may be why I like blogging so much....

  2. Yay!!!! You hear that, Jules and Evangeline? We have another Calvinist in the blogosphere!!!!!

    This was an awesome post! It's always fun to hear more about people. Happy blogoversary!

    1. Yay, you guys are Calvinist too!!!!!! *high fives* That makes me so happy! <3

      Thanks! I love this sort of post, honestly. <3

  3. Oh YES!!! Thanks for helping get rid of the coffee thing. I am a tea person, especially raspberry leaf tea (MOST AMAZING DRINK!!!!!).
    Oh wow... You have courage to come out with that last point my friend. Other than me, people are going to respectfully nod and purposefully not comment. Hopefully.

    1. Yay! <3 Fellow-non-coffee addict! That makes me happy. :D

      Thank you XD I honestly just said it because I sort of had no ideas what I was going to do for that last point and wanted something a little deeper.

  4. All these facts were so fun to learn!

    FELLOW PIANO PLAYER! *high-fives* I adore the piano. Though...I don't really play it much anymore since writing takes up all my time. Heh.

    (I'm totally overly fond of parentheses too...)

    How fun you took dance! And I love that you dance through stores. That's so great! XDD I'm pretty sure I'm an embarrassment to all who are with me at all times. When I'm hyper there is no TELLING what I will do. *grins*

    I absolutely love how you played with paper dolls like that. Proof you were born a storyteller! ^_^


    These were just fascinating. I love getting to know more about my dear blogging buddies. Thanks so much for sharing with us! :D

    1. You played the piano????? I didn't know that! That's awesome, Christine! *huggles b/c PIANO is the BEST*

      (Hee hee, I think all of us writers secretly are...)

      That's always fun...... I usually reserve my hyperness to when I'm home, but it doesn't always work.

      YES! That's what I was thinking as I wrote it, too.


      You are so welcome! Thanks for reading!

  5. Oh wow, these are so fascinating, Faith!!!!

    UGH I FEEL YOU ON THE DEHYDRATION THING. I've always had a problem keeping up with fluids, water is my best friend, I tell you.

    Oh I hate formal writing too (and yes, I'm also very good friends with parentheses. These are fun :) ). Stories are better, but even then my writing fingers rebel sometimes.

    You're a dancer too! (once a dancer, always a dancer :P ). I only did dance for about 3 or so years, and only tap, Broadway jazz and ballet at my studio. Though I have been had some instruction in Irish Dance from a camp I was in. And yasssss, I dance everywhere too. Grocery stores are the best :), and I dance all over the house too. Keeps me on my toes, LOL. (*inwardly groans at the bad pun*)

    Ugh, I sold Girl Scout Cookies door to door for a few years and I hated that too. I'm not meant to be a salesperson, I'm wayyy to nice to intrude on people.

    I greatly enjoyed reading this tag, Faith!! Can't wait to see the rest of your blogoversary posts!


    1. Thanks!

      It's so difficult. People think I'm exaggerating when I say that breathing dehydrates me. I am NOT.

      (Lol.) Yeah...I just try to ignore the rules and go with the flow when I'm writing fiction. We can't do that with formal writing. *sobs*

      (I AGREE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.) Ooh, that's fun! I always wanted to do Irish Dance. <3 *giggles at the pun*

      Yeah, me too....and when you're doing controversial stuff it's even WORSE. :(

      Thank you, Catherine! /Hopefully/ there will be a Q+A video going up before too, too long... *glares at YouTube which is NOT cooperating*

  6. Fun post, Faith! :)) Door to door....ah yes, I've done that. Wreaths Across America bc I'm in AHG--usually it was ok bc I only sold to people I knew (#introvert lol), but there was this one guy who shut the door in my face. Seriously? So, I don't like doing that. :))
    Favorite band....uhh, we didn't really listen to a lot of music when I was younger--if we did, it was all Christian bands (like TobyMac, Casting Crowns, etc.) :))

    1. That's no fun at all. Some guy did that to me too, and that was NOT fun. :P

      Casting Crowns is awesome. <3

  7. I AM SUPER CURIOUS ABOUT CALVINISTS. I would love to know more about why y'all believe in predestination, and verses that you believe point to that, and overall, I am just very curious. I don't know if you've written a post on that before or if there is something you could point be towards.

    I played with paper dolls, too, though the only drawback was I couldn't play outside with them when it was raining. :( I suppose now that rule makes sense, but at the time I was furious. XD

    1. I haven't done a post on it! Honestly, I only came to a place where I understood that that was what I believed a few months ago (like in September, so it seriously was SUPER RECENT). I'd be happy to do a post on it if you'd be interested at some point! <3

      Oh dear, that is a rule that makes sense.....but at the same time INFURIATING! XD

    2. Yeah, I would be very interested in hearing more about the what and why of Calvinism. I love learning about other denominations. :)

  8. Cool facts, Faithy!! I used to play the piano pretty frequently - nowadays I don't, seeing as the piano is actually a keyboard and the batteries need recharging every so often, and eventually we just got tired of taking them out and charging them up again?? Idk, but that's what the situation looks like to me. xD

    I never learned how to read sheet music, though. I always played it by ear, lol.

    My favorite singer growing up was Britt Nicole!! Oh my WORD, I loved her music to death. I still like her all right, but nowhere near as much as I used to. xD


    Lila @ The Red-Hooded Writer

    1. Lol, the struggle is real....

      I'm finally learning (after 7 years of reading sheet music O_O) to play by ear. Yikes.


      It's beautiful and worth it and I hope you get to go someday. <3


    Now that that's out of the way, I can tell you that my favorite artist growing up was by far Britt Nicole. She was my role model and I was so incredibly blessed to actually have met her! My parents took me to a small show and I WAS COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS because, y'know, I'd just met my all-time favorite musician of all time. But my favorite bands now are: Skillet, Danny Gokey, Britt Nicole (yeah, I still love her), for King & Country, Red, and Twenty One Pilots |-/
    (But I'm a very avid soundtrack lover too, soooo)


      That's so neat! One of my good friends got to meet her too and I was like JEALOUS. xD

      RED AND fK&C! I love all those! <3

  10. These were interesting facts! I love posts like this!
    I play piano too, but not well. I think it's awesome that you dance anywhere.
    London is fantastic, I want to go again too!
    I had to look up Calvinist, I've never heard of it.

    1. I do too! :D
      Thanks! I like piano, meeting people who also do it is always a ton of fun. <3
      You've been to London?? That's so neat!
      Hee hee...hopefully you found an accurate depiction of us....XD


    You're a Calvinist?? That's so cool! I had friends who were in my old coop, and I always found the whole denomination so interesting, I think I rather annoyed them with my questions, but I think it's so amazing to see how people interrupt things differently. XD
    As for me, I use to go to a southern Baptist church, but now I'm non-denominational (it was by choice, even though my family does go to an e-free church now). ^_^

    1. I KNOW! *is officially jealous of Texans*

      We're non-denominational too, it's so cool that you are too! I'm fond of theological discussions, too! <3 I'm probably going to do a post on why I'm a Calvinist at some point now (since you're all asking, basically....XD)

  12. Winter has decided to go out with a bang, eh?
    I went to see family in London some years ago. I desperately want to go back to re-visit the British Museum and the British Library (oh, and family too)!

    1. Oh gosh yes. XD

      That's so awesome! We went to the British Museum and it was AMAZING.

  13. I loved playing with paper dolls too! I had a book with all of the Disney princesses in it and I just LOVED dressing them up. :)

    YOU WENT TO LONDON?! I'm so jealous. What was it like? Epic, I'm assuming? XD

    1. That's so neat! <3

      It was EPIC. I got homesick and jet-lagged for the first couple days (I won't overglamorize it...) but otherwise it was TERRIFIC AND I WOULD GO AGAIN IN A HEARTBEAT. XD

  14. Dance? THAT'S SO AWESOME! I love dance; I've never taken it, but I love watching videos of people who have studied the art form! So amazing.

    I made up stories with my paper dolls too! That's actually how I got started writing, with the stories I made up from playing with them.

    OH I LOVE MUSIC (though you probably already know that, haha). I was really into Francesca Battistelli, Britt Nicole, PureNRG, and Jump5 when I was younger... and honestly, I still return to all of them from time to time. Ooh, also, Casting Crowns! They were a favorite for a while. And almost anything from early 2000's Disney...
    I'm gonna stop now.

    Happy late blogoversary!


  15. Happy late blogiversary, Faith! I've visited your blog a few times, and I love how you share so openly about topics that most people would shy away from. (For the record, I'm Calvinist also, although I don't really care for labels too much, haha).
    I enjoyed reading this post! To answer your question, I agree 100% that door-to-door fundraising is no fun. (Actually, make that any type of fundraising. xD)

    Keep up the great writing for Him! xx

  16. Water is the best!!!

    Happy Blogoversary! I really enjoy learning about you!


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