The Literary Dinner Party Tag
Hey, everybody! How are you all doing?
Ivie and Lila tagged me for the Literary Dinner Party Tag. Thank you so much, guys!! *sends lemon bars* That's going to be today's posts, and I hope you enjoy it!
So here we go!!!!!!!
(I'll tag Catherine, Christine, and Evangeline Yackel for this one)
In this tag I'm hosting a fabulous dinner party with some of my favorite characters! (For the sake of simplicity I'll limit the potential guest list to people from my ersonal bookshelf.)
1. Invite a character who can/likes to cook.
I'll go with Kira from Gathering Blue. She's sweet and quiet, and I feel like she'd be an interesting addition to this party.

2. Invite a character who has money and can host this party.
This is a super hard question!!!!!!!
How about Percy from the Scarlet Pimpernel? That works. We'll go with that. XD

3. Invite a character that might cause a scene.
Easy--Prince Lionheart! (I would be sure to have a peacock around to cause trouble for him, too, because that would be absolutely hilarious.) I'd also just love to have him around so I could, you know, get him to ask me out or something. (#BookCrush)

4. Invite a character who is funny/amusing.
Well, I don't think I've laughed at a character ever as much as I have at the Florid Sword, so this spot goes to him! (He'd have to come as that character, though, not as his...superhero alter ego. XD Becuase that guy just isn't as funny.)

5. Invite a character who is super social/popular.
Well...I don't think Doug would appreciate this, but I'm going to invite him anyways. He's pretty introverted and possibly autistic--I wouldn't be the one to know--but he's hilarious and so serious, all the time, that his dry brand of humor is just wonderful and refreshing. He never seeks people out, but they seem to flock to him like a flock of Arctic Terns. So Doug it is!

6. One villain
I'll go sort of post-modern here and say the monster from A Monster Calls. The monster isn't really a villain--he's more anti-heroic, I guess you could say--but I'd want him there to entertain with weird stories. And maybe he could bring Conor along and we could all give Conor some hugs. I don't think he'd really want them, but he needs hugs. Poor kid.

7. Invite one couple--doesn't have to be romantic
But why waste the opportunity to invite a ship I love???
I'll go with Leith Torren and Renna Faythe. Leith can impress everyone by telling crazy stories about his time as a Blade, and Renna can help Kira with the cooking. Sheesh--I just realized the two of them are the only girls besides me at this party!

8. Invite one Hero/Heroine
Only one????!!!!!!
Ummm...I'll go beloved Rose Red from Goldstone Wood. She's a precious little thing, and I feel like she wouldn't be crazy about a party (although Lionheart will also be there! So maybe she won't mind) but she can also help Kira with the cooking. I think the two of them would really get along well.

9. Invite one under-appreciated character
Sheesh! How about...Kalmar from Wingfeather Saga?
After all, Janner tends to get all the attention as the wonderful protagonist. I mean, I love Janner too (I have a sticker of him on my phone, for heaven's sake, he and Lionheart are tied for my affections as book crushes go) but Kal usually seems to get the short end of the stick.

10. Invite one character of your choice
Let's say Fern from The Girl Who Could See for this one.
I mean, everyone thinks Fern is crazy. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. We're tied. Score!!!!
And Fern seems like the kind of person I could talk to for hours and not be bored for one second.

What do you think of my choices? Do you agree that Kalmar is underappreciated? Who would you invite to a party like this?
YEEESSS, THIS IS AMAZING!! I only really know Fern, but these characters sound AWESOME!! You might have some explaining to do on why you took the name Florid Sword from the other Florid Sword. XD He might not like that. XD And I have no idea who Kalmar is, but he probably is underappreciated. XD
ReplyDeleteGreat post! <3
Yeah...I don’t know that he’d mind. He’s an egotistical and crazy superhero. XD
DeleteI know you’re not interested in reading a lot of books, but maybe you should try Wingfeather Saga. It’s good. I promise. XD
This is awesome. From this list, I think I've only read the Scarlet Pimpernel, but I recognize most of the rest.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing with your life??? Kidding, kidding. Percy is the best, isn’t he?! XD
DeleteWHOOOO THIS IS AWESOME!! Can I please come to the party as well?? I'll bring my banjo and just sit in the corner and provide some entertainment...
ReplyDeleteKalmar. YES
He may just be seen as the "annoying little brother" but at the end...he grows up a bit. He makes tough decisions. I can't wait to see how heroic he'll be as a grown man and a King.
Grrr....goldstone wood books again. I still haven't jumped onto those yet....
Can I steal the tag?? That might be the best way to answer your questions. XD
You are officially invited! Banjo music sounds amazing—I always forget that you do that.
DeleteI really, really want AP to write a fifth book. I know he’s not going to, but...I need to know. What happens. When Kalmar is king and amazing.
READ THEM! And that is all ;)
Please do! There’s enough people that have done this tag that I wasn’t sure who to tag, but by all means, steal it! I’d love to see your answers. <3
I don't play often, since it's cold out. My fingers move slower, and kinda need fast fingers to play...but I love it, nonetheless!
DeleteHe seriously needs to do so. Did you read Wingfeather Tales? Wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped, but still good. But we need to start writing AP and just be like "Look...we need more."
Anything I should be warned about before I read them? How's the magic levels (never been a fan of lots of magic, tbh)?
I'll have to grab the tag, then! Thanky-thanks!
That's awesome! I'm a pianist, so meeting other musicians always makes me happy.
DeleteI did read Wingfeather Tales, and loved every minute of it. I seem to be in the minority on that opinion, but while it's not on par with the rest of the series, it's still AMAZING, IMHO.
Hmmm...there's definitely some magic (pretty much all of which is bad, BTW), but the first book is the worst on that count (I think.) It's also the darkest of the seven, so I'd recommend, if you try that one and don't like it, at least giving the second one a shot. It's kind of allegorical (again, the first one is the heaviest in that regard). But I feel like most of the magic is portrayed as being bad or destructive in some way (the Christ figure does supernatural-ish stuff occasionally, but then, he's the Christ-figure). So. Super long answer to your question, but yeah! XD
Yes! I can't waaaaiiiiittt!
I think I didn't like it because I expected more about the Wingfeathers (or other characters in the series). Once I got over that, I liked it. But I was hoping to hear more about Janner and Kalmar and Leeli and crew. :)
DeleteSo...trying to figure out what you mean...there is magic in the books, but it is put in a bad light? The bad characters mostly use it? And there's allegory in it? I didn't think I knew that! (Not that that's a bad thing.)
Yeah, same. The new characters really captured my heart, though. Especially *sniffles* Mr. Cobbler...
DeleteYeah, that’s about right. The magic is mostly used by bad guys, and the good guys who have it are less magical and more...I don’t know, supernatural, maybe? God-given? And yes, the first one especially is allegorical, which I love! It can be a little hard to see but it’s in there. ^_^
They were such cute (and heart-wrenching) stories. Having read the 100 Cupboards books, the cupboard head-nod was neat, too.
DeleteWell, I won't write them off the list yet! Just have a bunch of books to get to first. But still, they sound very interesting! Thanks for talking about them with me. :)
Gahhh...more books I haven't read....I'M OVERDUE FOR A LIBRARY RAID, WHO'S WITH ME????
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, I loved reading this tag, Faith! I wish I could be at all of these Literary Dinners, they sound like so much fun!!
Thanks for tagging me! I already have a draft of this tag started (I stole it from Lia) so I'll add you to the credits!!
DeleteI know, I want to go to all of them! It'd be so awesome! My poor introvert self would die, but I'd die happy. XD
Yay! I was hopeful you hadn't done it yet--I couldn't remember.
Eep!! Thank you for the tag! I was eyeing the tag and thinking it looked like fun, and now I have an excuse to do it. XD
ReplyDeleteReally good answers. I agree that it would be cool to hear some of the Monster's stories. :)
Yay! I can’t wait to see your answers :D
DeleteAnd yeah, I wonder what else he’s got in that craggy brain...
Aww, Kira is such a sweet character. And The Florid Sword, yes! XD
ReplyDeleteYES AND YES! XD
DeleteI LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOUR ANSWERS!! Even though, I mean, I haven't read the Wingfeather Saga or the Goldstone Wood books yet. BUT it was so much fun reading about some of those characters because those two particular series are inching pretty close to the top of my TBR, and I'm soooo excited to read them! :D :D
ReplyDeleteLila - The Red-Hooded Writer
Lila. Just push them all the way to the top--you have no idea what you're missing! XD Thanks for the tag, and I was so excited to do this post! :D
DeleteNOW THIS IS A PARTY!!! This tag idea is the BEST!
ReplyDeleteI'm sad to say the Goldstone books are the only ones I've read that you've listed! D: But YESSSS to Leo and Rose Red attending! "I'd also just love to have him around so I could, you know, get him to ask me out or something." <--- #RELATABLE XDDD
THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME! This is just the most fun thing. I'm totally gonna have to do it sometime! :D
I KNOW!!!!!
DeleteI really would. Leo is one of those characters where if he asked me out, I'd say, "I'll just marry you now. Save some time." XD I love him so much. But I also hard-core ship him with Rose Red, which is problematic....
YOU ARE SO WELCOME! I can't wait to see your answers!
I only know Percy, but I want to read the other characters stories.
ReplyDeletePercy's pretty great! But yes, you do have to read the rest of these books. XD
Delete"I'd also just love to have him around so I could, you know, get him to ask me out or something." <~ I DIED. But Lionheart is MINE! *pouts* XD
ReplyDeleteAlso, I really, really, REALLY need to read the Wingfeather Saga, because the Florid Sword sounds hilarious and wonderful and I just need him in my life. XD
NO, HE IS MINE. I guess, maybe, since he's fictional, we can share him. XD My backup Goldstone Wood character is Alistair. So. We can fight this one out in Zachary's Tournament of the Blogs.
DeleteYES YOU DO. 'Nough said.
Sounds like a great dinner party! I'm not familiar with too many of these characters (oops...), but they all seem like good eggs. I think it would be fascinating to have dinner with the tree from A Monster Calls.
ReplyDeleteAh this is an awesome tag and I love your answers! I don't know very many of them, but I may have to add a couple of those books to my TBR list...
ReplyDeleteThis is fun! Yes, Kira from Gathering Blue, but I don't remember her being a cook....
ReplyDeleteHello, friends! Do make yourselves comfortable and stay for a while--I'd love to chat with you! I simply ask that you keep it clean. :)