I'm Slipping Behind! (Also known as: a dumped life update)

by - May 10, 2023

 Hello guys! I'm here to check in now that the school year is done. This is probably going to be a bit of a ramble that will mirror my newsletter for the month. (Remember, you can sign up for my newsletter here!!!! We just vibe over there. I'm not consistent at all but it's a good time.)


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Unfortunately, I have been ridiculously busy this semester. Less unfortunately, it's somehow been my best semester ever academically. I loved every class I was in (even biology????) and my grades are actually reflective of that, which is INSANE. I wasn't at all expecting some of the grades I've gotten. More important than grades, though, I feel like I've learned so much--and isn't that the purpose of college? College is for learning and growing and stretching, and that matters way more than grades.

Life lessons have been increasing wildly with this semester, too. If you've ever talked to me in person you probably know I've really struggled with food sensitivities and chronic illnesses in the past couple years. (I think I've mentioned that on the blog before, too.) This semester, for the first time, I've actually been able to cope with my food restrictions. I've found substitutes that don't make me ill, and it's been life-changing on so many levels. Most days I don't even miss dairy anymore, and I can say that in all honesty.

Another life lesson: productivity is difficult. Really. I used to be able to slam through things so easily, and then 2020 brought my life to a screeching halt. I'm trying to have grace for myself. Part of that is looking at my to-do list as necessary tasks and striving to do them well rather than just getting them done--which also means I'm fighting to keep from idolizing productivity again. I still do, at times. But that's no longer the goal. I am no productivity guru. I work hard and I get through my list and that is what matters.

I don't really have a lot going on right now. I'm home for the summer. We're going on a mountain trip soon and I'm excited. 

I feel like an adult these days. Not fully. Not all the time. But there are days, man. There are days.

The old days on this blog were so wildly different from the early ones, and I really miss the old days of blogging. It used to be such a world to itself, but now it's quieter. Less stressful. I actually like the lack of pressure and the fact that I feel free to just post when I want to rather than feeling like I have to go on hiatus every time I take a break. Even so, I'm trying really hard to be better about posting consistently.

Lifestyle things will probably be coming to the blog soon (because I don't write fast enough to post writing updates 24/7 anymore, hahaha). Probably I'll also be posting some updates for my fiction from the summer, too, since the plan is to try to finish two or three books over the course of the summer. It feels unlikely, but a girl can dream.

My TBR for the summer is also stacked with some amazing books I can't wait to read. Some classics, some nonfiction, and some that I own--all of which are the kind of books I'm hoping to absolutely love. I'll probably do a wrapup post for my reading, too, if that's the kind of thing anyone is interested in.

That's about all I've got for now! Sorry for the absolute ramble this post was. Let me know what you've been up to this spring and if you have anything exciting coming in the summer!

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  1. Yay, congrats on finishing the semester! I'm so happy that even though it was hard, you were able to learn so much and grow as a person—that absolutely should be a primary purpose of college. <3

    Very excited to see what you post this summer, even if it's not consistent. ;) Any Faith post is a good post! (And have fun on your mountain trip! :D)

  2. Congrats on being done with the semester! (I just finished not an hour ago, and it feels GOOD (but also hasn't fully dawned on me yet)).

    Also, as someone who also has food restrictions, I'm so glad you figured out how to deal with them! It can be really hard at times. (And the number of times I've had an allergic reaction at college is...probably quite a bit higher than it should be.)

    I hope you enjoy your mountain trip! :) I'm going home to the mountains this weekend, and I can't wait (although I'm also sad to leave school--what a frustrating paradox).

    1. Isn't it surreal??? Ahhhhh.

      Oh my gosh you have it too? Oh no! It's such a unique challenge but I'm so glad God is helping me get through (and gosh, girl! take care of yourself!)

      Thank you! And ahhh that's so fun but also I RELATE

  3. Congratz on the semester!!! :D

    Wow, 2-3 books this summer! You've got goals, girl! Can't wait to see what you do!

    1. Thank you! And ahh, no pressure on me, huh? *laughs* I'm struggling but excited!


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